
Category Local Registration (RM) Foreign Registration (USD) TAR UMT Registration only (RM)
Participant (Attend only)
All 2 days 250 65 250
Presentation Oral
Non-student 1000 250 250
Non-student (IEEE member) 800 200
Student 750 200
Student (IEEE member) 600 160

**Additional of RM50/USD15 for Networking Reception Dinner on Day 1

Accepted and presented papers will be published in one of the following SCOPUS indexed publications:

  1. Conference Proceedings (to be submitted to IEEE Xplore)*
  2. Suranaree Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) (also indexed by Web of Science ESCI - Emerging Sources Citation Index)*
*Subject to the scope and selection criteria required by the IEEE Xplore or SJST. Other terms and conditions also apply.